
AMIR and Partners bring solutions to help Rwandan youth going for new financial ventures

by Felibien Hirwa Tuza

The Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda and the Akazi Kanoze Access, signed partnership agreement on July 30th 2018. according to Aimable Nkuranga the Executive Director of #AMIR , the just signed Memorandum of Understanding, will basically focus on four areas of cooperation: (1)Mutual support in capacity building of youth, (2)Exchange of information and collaboration in the trainings, researches and consultancies, conferences, meetings and workshops and any other capacity building that would benefit both institutions; (3) Collaboration in resource mobilization, proposal writing and branding activities for both institutions; (3) Integration of #ClientProtectionPrinciples in the training modules of both institutions. this partnership agreement will last for three years starting from August 2018. Twagizihirwe Valence the Executive Director of #AkaziKanozeAccess highly welcomed this partnership, revealing that the partnership agreement will be a golden opportunity for #AKA and its beneficiaries to attain their objectives. #AMIR and #AKA commits to jointly, financially transform the lives of Rwandan youth, building their capacity and equipping them with relevant knowledge pertaining to #FinancialEducation #EnterpriseDevelopment. After the signing ceremony of the MoU, both parties agreed to start immediately the execution of this agreement. the following activities have been pointed out as the key pillars and key priorities that both organizations will take into consideration while executing this agreement.
1. Integrating #ConsumerProtectionPrinciples in #AKA training modules so that youth can know their rights especially when working with financial institutions.
2. Facilitating youth to have internship in financial institutions.
3. Jointly advocating for the issues affecting youth especially limited access to loans due to lack of collaterals
4. Linking youth to #MFIs so that they can access small loans and grants where possible
5. Facilitating youth study tours to #MFIs so that they vividly observe what takes place in a financial institution and learn from the best practices.
6.Mutual support in capacity building.
The programs department from both sides: AMIR and Akazi Kanoze Access say that they are set to monitor the implementation progress of this partnership to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the partnership’s goals. They plan to regularly meet and exchange ideas and opinions on the progress status of the implementation of activities to better meet the objectives and promptly adopt new strategies if need be.


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