
AMIR’s moving steadily and eagerly in embracing new technologies for accelerating “FI” services

The Rwanda Government initiative to support U-SACCOs through a computerization, a specific project has been developed with a mandate to computerize all 416 U-SACCOs throughout the country. Correspondingly, AMIR is also introducing IT shared services for AMIR members. Both projects will equip Rwandan MFIs especially those in rural regions with modern affordable and secure technological services for the digital processing of operations and electronic financial services for their clients;

These activities can be also considered as part of fulfilling the Government’s efforts to increase the professionalism of the Rwandan Microfinance Sector, thus to ultimately create an environment to include the entire Rwandan population in the formal financial sector. The availability of fast, stable and affordable internet connectivity plays a key role for the success of both projects and will drive forward the financial inclusion (FI).

AMIR has taken a step forward in finalizing all necessary and preliminary preparations for the IT shared project to go live mid this year.

Considering the related work done so far, there is a hope that IT shared project will be successfully on one side and effectively implemented on the other side, provided the microfinance practitioners feel the sensitivity of ownership and the importance of fulfilling mutual responsibilities for both side (service providers and beneficiaries/ microfinance practitioners).

In a bid to insure the efficiency of the implementation process of the IT Shared project, AMIR has stepped into a strategic partnership with the professionally reputable companies, as a way of assuring requisite technical expertise, and capacity necessary for the effectiveness of the project.

POPCON and MTN Rwanda are the two partnering companies; they are internet service providers (ISPs), they offer the latest virtual private network (VPN)/ internet technology in Rwanda. (VPN: a network that provides remote offices or users with secure access to their organization’s network using the internet or other public telecommunications system.)

Specifically, POPCON is the internet service provider that offers 4G LTE internet, fiber optics and VPN services across Rwanda. MTN Rwanda is an ISP also but will offer P2P VPN/ Internet services on its own infrastructure across Rwanda.

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