
Call for Expression of Interest (EOI 2016/010): IT Equipment and LAN Installation

Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Call for Expression of Interest (EOI 2016/010)

According to this


For IT Equipment and LAN Installation for Umurenge SACCOs and SACCOs/MFIs


I.    Preamble

The Rwandan Government initiative to support Umurenge SACCO (U-SACCOs) through computerization launched a specific Project with a mandate to computerize all 416 U-SACCOs throughout the country. This project is facilitated by the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA). Main target of the project is to establish a link to a shared database which allows U-SACCOs to communicate to each other thus allowing U-SACCOs members to transact from any of U-SACCO across the country.

In parallel the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) is currently establishing itself as a full service IT-provider (AMIR Shared IT Services) to its member institutions. AMIR Shared IT Services shall equip Rwandese Microfinance institutions besides the U-SACCOs, especially those in rural regions, with modern, affordable and secure technological services for the digital processing of operations, electronic financial services for their clients and improved management information systems.

The total target market is:

  • 350 Umurenge-SACCO.
  • 50 Microfinance Institutions/Non-Umurenge SACCOs’ branches.

This expression of interest is divided into two Lots:

Lot 1: Desktop PC, Laptop PC, General Office Printer (All In One: printer / photocopier / scanner), Teller Printer (dot matrix printer), Bill counting machine, Generator, Camera (photo taker)

Lot 2: LAN installation (network and power cabling), Uninterrupted Power Supplier


The expected average hardware devices per branch are:

No Equipment Quantity
1 Desktop PC 4
2 Laptop PC 2
3 General Office Printer (All In One: printer / photocopier / scanner) 1
4 Teller Printer (dot matrix printer) 2
5 Bill counting machine 2
6 Uninterrupted Power Supplier (APC SMART) 1
7 Generator 1
8 Camera (photo taker) 1

In addition, there is also a request for LAN installation (network and power cabling).

The objective of this Terms of References is to identify a long-term business partner and to agree a frame work contract for initial IT equipment (hardware devices and LAN installation) as well as its maintenance, warranty and the replacement of the equipment after a certain depreciation period.

It’s in this context that, all IT equipment providers and LAN and power installation experts operating in Rwanda are invited to submit their technical, organizational and financial proposal for IT equipment.

II.    Technical Requirements

For a detailed description of the technical requirements for hardware devices as well as for the LAN installation (network and power cabling) please see appendix 1.

III.    Organizational Requirements

The IT equipment provider has to cover the following organizational requirements:

  1. The provider must have an appropriate level of practical experience in Rwanda in the relevant area during the last 5 years and is licensed with RDB to operate in Rwanda in the IT field.
  2. The provider should provide proof of annual turnover of not less than RWF 200 million for the last year
  3. The provider is an authorized certified reseller of the manufacturer/maker of the equipment
  4. The provider offers written proof of minimum 1 year free warranty and hardware replacement for the equipment supplied
  5. A key contact person has to be specified for RCA as well as for AMIR.
  6. The provider has to deliver at the SACCO/MFI branches maximum 20 days after the issuing of the purchasing order.
  7. The installation time after delivering is maximum 3 days per branch. All branches have to be finished in between 8 weeks after delivery.


IV.    Financial Requirements

The provider has to consider the following requirements about pricing and billing:

  1. There is no minimum purchase volume
  2. Payment modalites: The provider offers a leasing model for the IT equipment supplied and LAN installation (network and power cabling) and this will be applicable only for the SACCOs that need that payment model, with a minimum upfront payment amount and 1 year leasing period, with fixed monthly repayment installments.
  3. All prices have to be in Rwandan Francs (RWF)
  4. All payments have to be made into an account in Rwanda
  5. The billing will be directly submitted to the headquarters of each U-SACCO and SACCO/MFI
  6. All prices, terms and conditions have to be negotiated between the provider and RCA/AMIR.


V.    Deliverables for the EOI

The EOI document submitted should be complete and comprehensive with explicit documentary evidence in support of all qualification criteria. The provider shall submit the following as part of their EOI:

  1. Brief profile of the company or brochure
  2. A technical description of the offered hardware devices and the LAN installation (network and power cabling). This has to be structured according to the technical requirements in abstract II (appendix 1).
  3. A description of the proposed coverage of the organizational requirements in abstract III.
  4. A description of the proposed coverage of the financial requirements in abstract IV. The provider has to add a price-list for the offered hardware devices and the LAN installation (network and power cabling). This has to be structured according to the the requirements about the financial proposal in abstract IV.
  5. Copy of Trading License issued by RDB
  6. Original or a certified copy of the Social Security certificate
  7. Original or a certified copy of the tax clearance certificate
  8. VAT certificate
  9. Proof of manufacturer representation (e.g authorized reseller certificate, etc.)
  10. The provider shall submit at least two Manufacturer Authorization (MAF) documents with a proof of their warranty.
  11. Work plan and methodology for execution of work
  12. List of technicians with CV and certificate and project manager with degree/certificate in related field
  13. At least  5 certificates of completions of similar tender performed.
  14. Bidder should provide a copy of last year company audited financials of turnover of RWF 200 million.


VI.    EOI Submission Deadline

The closing date for submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) is 10th November 2016 at 10 AM. For further details, please contact in (250) 782 889 582 or [email protected].


VII.    Address for Submission

EOI must be submitted by mail in as sealed envelope marking “Proposal IT equipment and LAN installation for Umurenge SACCOs and SACCOs/MFIs” at the following address:

Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Police Headquarter Road / Kacyiru

Near Police Hospital / Kacyiru, P.O. Box 6526

Email: [email protected]

VIII.    Disclaimer

All sent information will be handled with confidentiality.

The submission for this EOI does not entail any commitment on the part of RCA or AMIR, either financial or otherwise.

RCA and AMIR reserve the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids or cancel the bids, without assigning any reason, whatsoever.

Further RCA and AMIR reserve to invite the bidders for a presentation of their offers.


Peter Rwema

Executive Director – AMIR

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