
CEO Leadership retreat takes place in Rubavu for the second time

This CEO leadership retreat normally is organized by the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) in partnership with SBFIC to meet AMIR members for discussing about different challenges that hamper the daily business of microfinances in Rwanda. The retreat brings together all managing directors/ CEOs of Big MFIs (microfinance limited companies) member of AMIR.
“As per our annual operating plan, we usually organize forums to meet AMIR members per each category to discuss different issues related to their business; CEO Leadership Retreat is one of these forms.” This was highlighted by Mr. Jean Pierre UWIZEYE the Acting Executive Director of AMIR. He revealed this to local media a week before the Retreat takes place.
The last CEO leadership retreat took place last year and it was completely meant for the managing directors/ CEOs of the big MFIs. The CEO Leadership Retreat edition 2017, started on 6th December 2017 in Rubavu district and it will be concluded on 8th December. This time, two other categories (Umurenge SACCO and Non-Umurenge SACCO) of AMIR members have been invited and are represented in the retreat. The reason behind inviting these two other categories (other than microfinance ltd companies), as clarified by the ag. ED of AMIR, is that the retreat is sought to build confidence and aptitude of managing directors through sharing experience and best practices: less advanced institutions are expecting to lean much more from advanced and experienced institutions.
The retreat methodology “Participatory” will allow the participants to deeply discuss about the issues and challenges that they encounter in their respective intuitions, and adopted approaches deemed factual in providing sustainable solutions.
Other items on the retreat agenda include the review of the progress status of implementation of the resolutions and recommendations adopted during the last CEO leadership retreat and open discussions on how to improve AMIR services to its members; Experience sharing on governance and leadership for Big MFIs; Proposed Customer Complaints Resolution Mechanism; New trends on Coaching/ Dual training system and commitment level of big MFIs; Experience sharing on New tested financing products for women; General overview on the practicability of refinancing fund
According to Claudine UMUHOZA the manager of Inzira Butare “CEO leadership retreat proves to be a golden opportunity for AMIR members to exchange ideas and experience and as well as discussing on advocacy issues aiming at building a conducive environment for the microfinance sector in Rwanda.”


By Felibien H.Tuzayisenga

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