
Consultancy opportunity: Fundraising Firm

Terms of Reference for Fundraising Firm


AMIR is the only umbrella body for micro-finance institutions in Rwanda that seeks to build a flourishing micro-finance sector in Rwanda through different areas of Advocacy and Information, Research and Development, Responsible Finance that includes consumer protection and education, Performance Monitoring and Capacity Building.

Created in 2007 with 32 founding members, AMIR has currently reached 341 licensed member micro finance banks, Limited savings and deposit taking companies and credit and savings co-operatives. Its membership represents more than 97% of the micro-finance sector in Rwanda with an aim of integrating all MFIs/SACCOs operating in Rwanda by the end of 2017 to ensure the sector drives under one voice.

The core mission of AMIR is to offer diversified services to micro-finance institutions to enable them to work professionally and contribute to poverty reduction in a sustainable manner based on 5 core values (Professionalism, Transparency, Unity, Integrity and Sustainability). AMIR has a vision to become a strong and efficient organisation that contributes to the development of the micro-finance industry through the promotion of transparent management systems in MFIs, innovative and market led financial services and products.

The Core mission of AMIR is to offer diversified services to micro-finance institutions and to the sector at large that enable them to work professionally and contribute efficiently to poverty reduction in a sustainable manner.

AMIR Rwanda is looking for competent firm/individual fundraising experts that can mobilise resources on its behalf towards fulfilling its mandate. The Firm/individuals should be able to raise resources either locally or internationally and be ready to enter into a collaboration framework with AMIR Rwanda in form of partnership/Memorandum of Understanding.


The fundraising environment for microfinance is very competitive, and there are indications that microfinance funding is getting scarce. Moreover, there are signs that micro-finance associations’ funds and programme efforts for reaching agreed targets may in some cases be diminished in broader development and social policy agendas.  In addition, AMIR’s activities are expanding and needs more funding.

Given the context, a significant funding gap is anticipated from 2017 onward, for recurrent non-salary funding which is important to ensure AMIR can fulfil its technical support role and commitments to micro-finance key result areas, as well as those related to its support to members.

With a shifting funding landscape for micro-finance umbrella organisations, there is the need for AMIR to develop a fundraising strategy along with successful fundraising proposals to generate new sources of funding for critical funding gaps.  In developing the strategy, there will be the need to ensure that funding is both raised to support all key results areas (shared services, capacity building, advocacy, financial education, and research and information exchange) and the linkages across these, as well as identifying opportunities for fundraising for deliverables that cut across KRAs within AMIR’s strategic plan (for example, monitoring and evaluation, complaints resolution, and staff capacity building).

In order to respond to some of these challenges, AMIR is seeking to recruit a fundraiser for a period of 12 months, renewable depending on performance to develop a fundraising strategy and raise funds to enable AMIR to execute its mandate in relation to microfinance sector coordination and strengthening.

Interested and competent firms/individuals can extend their expression of interest to AMIR Rwanda indicating clearly their approach and partnership framework proposed.

Scope of work

  • Develop fundraising proposals and strategies for stronger donor partnerships
  • Based on AMIR’s Strategic Directions and Program strategies develop a 5-year funding needs plan
  • Based on identified funding pillars, further define each pillar with concrete action plans, key responsibilities, priorities, and identification of potential donors
  • Identify potential key donors and set up meetings with management for the development of partnerships. The firm will develop a database summarizing the range of donors potentially interested in funding the type of work AMIR undertakes, with a focus on the various financing instruments (grants, subsidies, technical assistance, programme development, organisational/institutional development, budget support, etc.)
  • Based on existing program and strategies develop high quality multi-year proposals in consultation with program officers. Fundraising strategy should focus on following aspects of funds diversification:
  • fundraising from international donor organisations;
  • fundraising from locally-based organisations;
  • selling services as a way of income generation;
  • public sources of funding
  • other sources of income

The fundraising strategy should be designed to cover three main areas of fundraising: mapping, lobbying, and actual applying for funds.

  • The first step should be mapping the possibilities for each of the aspects of the fundraising. In the aspect of “fundraising from international donor organisations” identification of the international donors working in the country and who’s area of focus is complementary with the area of work of our organisation, should be carried out. This process should result in creation of the data base of possible donors who will be contacted in next step of fundraising. In the aspect “fundraising from local organisations” participants and the consultant should identify locally based organisations and businesses which could be approached for fundraising. This involves mapping opportunities to generate income from “social responsibility funds” from businesses, and internationally or locally funded programmes that are linked to our areas of interventions. With regards to “selling services as a way of income generation”, the firm should identify opportunities for AMIR to sell expertise and knowledge to local business and public sector (e.g. micro-insurance and agriculture lending). Potential expertise and knowledge and potential buyers should be identified. Concerning “public sources of funding”, the firm will carry out the mapping of possibilities for involvement of AMIR into implementation of the government announced strategies and processes (e.g. Poverty reduction strategy, Umurenge SACCOs consolidation and strengthening, financial education, etc.) should be done.
  • After mapping, strategic planning will be facilitated internally within AMIR. The plan will describe fundraising strategy, including an operational plan with clear responsibilities and timeline. The strategy (fundraising operational plan) will involve all steps necessary to successfully raise funds from each of the above explained and previously mapped aspects. The strategy should involve establishing contacts with potential donors, members, buyers and partners; building of the credibility; lobbying and actual applying for funds through proposals.
  • During the fundraising strategy development, the firm should asses abilities of AMIR staff to fulfil certain duties involved in the strategy and should give recommendations how to improve those.
  • Refer potential funding opportunities to technical officers for further research and proposal development
  • Identify and prioritise key funding priorities and funding sources and develop high quality proposals in consultation with the technical leads
  • Develop a mechanism for tracking funding needs and proposal development which can be sustained within AMIR after the 12 months of the service.
  • Assess the capacity and prospects for long-term fundraising strategic goals and actions and business partnerships in the country. This task includes review of existing assessment of trends in corporate giving and civil society organizations (CSO) fundraising and AMIR marketing strategy
  • Create fundraising materials

Fundraising capacity building

  • Train AMIR staff in the development of high quality funding proposals
  • Guide program staff in methodologies for the identification of potential donors for their respective areas
  • Train program AMIR staff in effective donor relation building and donor stewardship


The winning fundraising firm is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  • Revised marketing strategy for AMIR
  • Partnership agreements and MoU with at least five donors, and at least USD 500, 000 commitments for the following financial year
  • Fundraising materials
  • Brief final report containing information about the implemented strategy, identified opportunities and challenges and recommendations for further actions
  • By end of the consultancy, produce fundraising strategy for AMIR for 2018- 2020 focusing on improving the effectiveness of fundraising
  • Donor database or map existing data bases, with an explanatory list, prioritized by activities and donors interests
  • List of funding opportunities across the region, prioritized according to the best possible match between the scope of AMIR activities and donor interests.
  • Frameworks for project proposal/grant applications for specific sources of funding based upon findings from the research phase.
  • List of organizations, government agencies and business sector clients that might be likely to purchase AMIR services for training, consultancy, and project implementation/management.
  • Specification of the requirements and frameworks to access these specific sources of funding
  • A concise report of recommendations for future priority areas of focus of donors interventions in Rwanda

Authority and Responsibility

 The firm/individuals will hold the ultimate responsibility for the success of fundraising activities of AMIR for 2017-2020. In this role, the firm/individual will:

  • Manage the logistics necessary for all tasks presented in the Scope of the assignment section of the ToR. Support will be offered by AMIR team, but the firm /individual is expected to take full responsibility.
  • Develop the deliverables within the given time period in English. AMIR staff will offer feed-back but will not edit the deliverables. The firm is responsible for doing this, or work with a professional editor within a small agreed upon budget
  • AMIR will be responsible for the following tasks:
  • Provide a clear ToR
  • Introduce the firm to relevant internal and external stakeholders
  • Provide information on existing documents
  • Be available for clarifications and support
  • Review drafts of required deliverables and suggest necessary changes.
  • Approve final versions of deliverables and make payments accordingly.

 The payment

The payment will be on result basis. Applicants will provide financial proposals that will serve as the basis for agreement.


The successful firm/individuals will be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • A competent team , with a track record in fundraising of at least 5 years
  • Fluency in English (writing and speaking) and an inquisitive mind
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Organisational capacity to support costs involved
  • Availability and commitment to work on the targets in the agreed timeframe
  • Sound knowledge of the current funding and microfinance environment in Rwanda and East Africa; and the donors that are presently funding projects here.
  • Familiarity with sources of funding for projects related to microfinance
  • Knowledge of fundraising cycles, proposal formats and application procedures for key donors.
  • The ideal firm would have a team of energetic, flexible and adaptable consultants/staff in their approach, able to work individually or as a team and have excellent communication skills.


The firm/individuals will report directly to the Executive Director of AMIR; and provide regular updates of progress to the monthly management meeting. The firm will work closely with the Senior Programme Manager and AMIR Consult Managing Director, to ensure synergies and avoid duplication with their fundraising work.


Qualified firms/individuals are requested to submit their expression of interest providing their technical and financial proposals to AMIR, through [email protected] ; with a copy to [email protected]

Or hand in hard copies to:

AMIR, Kacyiru, near Police Hospital

Gasabo district: Kacyiru sector – Kibaza cell  KG 549 st – 13

P.O.BOX. 6526


Applications will be accepted on rolling basis and the first selection process will be done on January 31st, 2017 and those who want to be considered for this period can apply before January 30th, 2017 to above mentioned address.



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