
G.S.K teachers unifying for a brighter-collective future

As Rwanda head steadily to achieve the vision of being a middle income country by 2020, AMIR is currently implementing different financial education activities aiming at reaching the underserved population and instilling into youth minds the culture of saving. These activities are being implemented countrywide with support of the local authorities, IPRCs and teachers from schools: primary and secondary.

The Rwanda Microfinance Magazine visited the implementation of these activities in Karongi district at the Group Scholaire Kibuye during a financial education campaign. To insure the smooth running of this campaign, AMIR works closely with schools and teachers; the AMIR’s programs department confirms that they normally train teachers who in turn train pupils and impart the saving lessons; and AMIR follow through and supervise the implementation by monitoring.   

The GSK teachers have gone beyond what was expected from their commitment. They were equipped with the skills and knowledge related to saving culture, and in turn they not only delivered the training to pupils as expected, but they also taught by examples.


The ICYEREKEZO Saving Club is the saving club owned by teachers who work at Group Scholaire Kibuye. This is a school located in Western province, Karongi district in Bwishyura sector, Kiniha cell.

This club was created in 2015. The club foundation idea resulted from the enthusiasm of teachers that worked at the School, who wanted to build sustainable unity among them that would help them to mutually support each other without waiting for external and conditional support (financially).


Before starting this, they organized themselves and decided to meet and streamline their ideas and start something tangible to vehicle the saving related ideas that they had in their minds into reality. That meeting then gave birth to a saving club labeled “ICYEREKEZO” this was on 31st August 2015. The club is currently composed of 30 members: 19 women and 11 men. The basic share of each member is Rwf 1,000. But the members are allowed to have more than one share.

After the establishment of this club, the members agreed on different actions aiming at the effective management and security of their savings, thus they agreed to meet on weekly basis, every Tuesday after lessons. Joining the club is a voluntary will, it is not compulsory for each and every teacher from the school to join the club.

As highlighted by the chairperson of this saving club, Pascaie Nyiraneza, the ultimate goal behind the establishment of their saving club, is to improve their social economic lives.


Pascasie goes on saying that, at the end of March 2016, we got new ideas of developing a new saving service, whereby members decided to start paying regularly Rwf 100. The objective was to financially support the members in case of emergency. The “Ingoboka money” as they named that new saving service, is given to members in need, and the beneficiary pays back with a little interest.

As of September 2016, the statistics report of the Saving Club ICYEREKEZO, show that the club is moving steadily and hopefully the members will attain their objectives and hence contribute to not only their social economic lives but also to the social performance of the region at large.


The Club currently has a balance (outstanding amount) equivalent to Rwf 4,3492,515. Our vision is to reinforce the activities of club until we reach at the level of making a large profitable project that will benefit the members and impact positively to their wellbeing. Pascasie said.

Pascasie calls upon other teachers to imitate their saving culture, assuring that the unity contributes a lot to the social economic development.

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1 comment

Charity K UWASE October 3, 2016 at 4:12 pm

Congratulations to GS Kibuye ,Students and Teachers. The Methodology of saving clubs seeks to harness this early period in people’s life and give them an educational experience that leaves them with positive associations with money and social change. For the students, Childhood is a precious time, where exploration, learning and character development are key, by teaching basic social and financial skills, and providing children with practical experience, we hope that, the children will believe in themselves and their ability to make a difference in their lives and in the lives of people around them.
All the best to the GS Kibuye and other schools who have already started this saving club program among the teachers and students.No doubt, your goals will be achieved.



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