Events News


In line with the mission of the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) that seeks to offer diversified services to MFIs and to the sector at large that enable them to work professionally and contribute efficiently to poverty reduction in a sustainable manner, AMIR is implementing, Supporting and Enhancing Resilient and Viable Employment opportunities (SERVE) project. The project’s overall goal is to build a resilient, sustainable, gender equitable and inclusive entrepreneurial environment that increases dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for predominantly female youth in agricultural value chains in 10 districts across Rwanda. 

It is in the above context that CARE International, along with consortium partners Association of Micro Finance Institutions Rwanda (AMIR), Duharanire Amajyambere Y’Icyaro (DUHAMIC-ADRI), Pro-femme Twese Hamwe (PFTH), and Urwego Bank has organized SERVE introductory meetings in the districts from 3rd to 24th May 2023.

The project teams conducted the introduction of SERVE Project in 10 districts, the introduction meeting aimed at making the project known to the respective districts and seeking their support in implementation, it also intended to understand the existing potential value chains and opportunities that will help in its implementation and the general picture of how Business Development Service Providers works. The districts appreciated the project and committed to fully supporting the implementation of the project. The districts also emphasized the role of SACCOs in financing youths. The meetings were successfully conducted


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