


  1. SENIOR PROGRAMS AND RESOURCE MOBILIZATION MANAGER FOR AMIR (Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda).

The Association of Micro Finance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR), was created in June 2007. It is legally recognized as professional association by the Ministry of Labour and its status were published in the Official Gazette no 6 of 15th March 2008. It is governed by a General Assembly and led by an experienced Board of Directors drawn from leading microfinance institutions in Rwanda. AMIR is the umbrella body for microfinance institutions in Rwanda that seeks to build capacity of, and play an advocacy role for the microfinance industry in the country. AMIR is a key partner of the Government of Rwanda, e.g. in the design and implementation of Microfinance and financial sector development as well as other poverty reduction policies. AMIR is a member of various development organizations and networks across the world.

The Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda is announcing the following vacancies for Experienced Rwandan nationals:

Location          : Based in Kigali-with travels countrywide

Duration          :  Negotiable

Availability      : January 2018

Salary               : Commensurate with experience and qualification


  1. Executive Director

Reporting directly to the Board of Directors:

Key responsibilities:

The Executive Director is the Head of the Secretariat of the association and is its Administrative Head/overall supervisor of the other staff in the Secretariat. In addition to functions provided for in the Constitution of the organization, the Executive Director has following responsibilities:

  • Leading efforts in conjunction within AMIR Board of Directors to provide guidance and Technical support to ensure the development of the Microfinance sector in Rwanda;
  • Ensure the day to day management of the secretariat;
  • Implement instructions of the Board of Directors;
  • Advise the Board of Directors on issues which may affect the association from realizing its constitutional objectives;
  • Represent AMIR members in a form of spokesperson of the association at a non-committal level; and focus on the interest of the microfinance sector practitioners where necessary;
  • Managing contracts of all employees and ensuring that they deliver in accordance with the job descriptions;
  • Enter into performance contracts with employees in accordance with their job descriptions;
  • Recommend to the board hiring, suspension or dismissal of any member of staff citing reasons for his/her recommendations;
  • Ensure that the secretariat is delivering to the expectations of the association;
  • Ensure the relationship of AMIR and its stakeholders, partners including donors, government and other associations and network that AMIR participates or registered as member;
  • Undertake any administrate action in accordance with the rules of procedure;
  • Ensure that the association is complying with the laws in force;
  • Prepare and submit to the board of directors quarterly and annual report which shall include recommendations for action;
  • Attend Board meetings without voting rights;
  • In addition to the Board, the Executive Secretary owes a fiduciary duty to the General Assembly for all the activities of the organization;
  • Direct the policy and program activities due upon each officer bearer under the Secretariat and approves all actions pertaining to the operations of the organization;
  • Oversees the general management and administration of the organization;
  • Is the administrative focal person of the organization to the stakeholders;
  • Provides technical support to the staffs and contributes towards delivery of each and every program of the organization by participating in the design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs;
  • Ensures total respect by enforces approved code of conduct and internal procedures of the Association;
  • Establishes effective systems and processes of identifying, analyzing and managing Organizational risks and initiates and participated in putting in place appropriate management procedures;
  • Acts honestly, and maintains confidentiality of information shared with and among Board Members;
  • Is liable for all acts arising from the performance of duties by the all other staff under his/her supervision;
  • Oversees the necessary assignments, delegating implementation to the head of departments with appropriate control measures;
  • Creates and maintains effective communication channels at all levels under his/her authority;
  • Is an exemplary official to those under his/her supervision and provides for transparent and clear lines of responsibility and accountability;
  • Exercises degree of care and diligence in the discharge of his/her duties that a reasonable person in a like position would exercise in such organization;
  • Performs his/her duties with the requisite degree of skills and care.

Required competences and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant disciplines such as Business Administration, Economics, Management, Development Studies or other relevant fields with 10  years minimum experience and a Master’s degree in the same disciplines with at least 5 years of experience in the management of organizations/institutions.
  • Minimum three years of experience in occupying senior management position;
  • Demonstrate experience working in the Association, bank, microfinance/financial inclusion sector in with senior management role;
  • Good knowledge of the Rwandan financial sector and its key stakeholders;
  • Experience leading national level, participatory processes around the promotion of financial inclusion;
  • Strong ability to gain agreement and commitment from others;
  • Experience of stakeholder engagement; developing partnerships and managing relationships with donors, private sector, civil society actors, consultancies and government bodies;
  • Experience in working with Government of Rwanda and participation government events is an added value;
  • Experience in working with international NGOs and writing fundable proposal;
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to set a strategic vision and deliver results within a team;
  • Experience in participation of international conference/summit;
  • Demonstrated role played in training and empowerment of youth and women is an added value;
  • Demonstrated experience of partnership with Government of Rwanda for advocacy perspectives;
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in coaching staff;
  • High moral integrity according to the Code of Conduct of the association
  • Experience in working closely with both central and local government;
  • English and Kinyarwanda proficiency strongly preferred, Proficiency in French is a valuable advantage.


  1. Senior Programs and Resource Mobilization Manager

Reporting directly to the Executive Director.

Key responsibilities:

The Senior Programs Manager and Resource Mobilization Manager   oversees the coordination and administration of all aspects of AMIR programs from the planning and securing resources phase to impact evaluation. ; ensures that all programmatic activities are implemented successfully as planned in AMIR operating and strategic plans within the  mission and vision of AMIR. Coordinate and oversee the implementation of AMIR programs including capacity building of its members and staff of AMIR, advocacy and representation, research and information sharing, product development and responsible finance among others which contributes to a conducive microfinance environment in Rwanda.


  • Programs Planning
  • Plan the delivery of the overall programs and activities in accordance with the mission and the goals of the association;
  • Develop new initiatives to support the strategic direction of the organization;
  • Develop and implement long-term goals and objectives to achieve the successful outcome of the program;
  • Assist Executive Director to develop an annual budget and operating plan to support the program and ensure the achievements of mission of other organizations affiliated to AMIR;
  • Develop programs evaluation framework to assess the strengths of the programs and to identify areas for improvement;
  • Develop funding proposals to ensure secured resources for the continuous delivery of services Organization and coordination of the programs;
  • Ensure that program activities operate within the policies and procedures of the organization with a strong reference of the Government policies and consideration of mission of AMIR as the umbrella body of MFIs;
  • Ensure that program activities comply with all relevant legislation and professional standards forms and records to document program activities.
  • Staffing and leading the programs
  • In consultation with the Executive Director, will assist to recruit, interview and select qualified program staff;
  • Establish and implement a performance management process for all program staff and supervise program staff by providing direction, input and feedback;
  • Engage volunteers for appropriate program activities using established volunteer management practice;
  • Manage the whole program team to ensure that they achieve the results. This involves the supervision of the work being done by the program team, consultants and program personnel;
  • Deputize the Executive Director and be a replacement on interim basis in case of former’s absence;
  • Be a member of management committee of the Association;
  • Ensure all program staff members receive orientation and appropriate training in accordance with organizational standards;
  • Initiate and manage all partnerships that can assist AMIR to achieve its vision, mission and objectives. This includes being the contact person with external partners and coordinating Public Relation aspect of the association in consultation with Executive Director and Communications and Membership affairs Officer;
  • Write reports on the program for management and for funders;
  • Communicate with funders as outlined in funding agreements as well writing fundable proposals to fit the AMIR mission;
  • Ensure that the program operate within the approved budget;
  • Monitor and approve all budgeted programs expenditures;
  • Representation of Amir’s interest where necessary in the absence of Executive Director;
  • Identify and evaluate the risks associated with programs activities and take appropriate action to control the risks;
  • Be an innovator of the development of new products and services as well as technology in the microfinance sector;
  • Monitor the program activities on a regular basis and conduct an annual evaluation according to the program evaluation framework;
  • Report evaluation findings to the Executive Director and recommend changes to enhance the programs, as appropriate.

Required competences and Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Microfinance, Business Administration,   Economics, Management, Development Studies or other relevant fields with 10  years minimum experience and a Master’s degree in the same disciplines with at least 5 years of experience in the management of organizations/institutions;
  • Minimum three years of experience in occupying senior management position
  • Demonstrate experience working in the Association, bank, microfinance/financial inclusion sector in with senior management role;
  • Good knowledge of Rwanda financial sector and its key stakeholders ;
  • Experience leading national level, participatory processes around the promotion of financial inclusion;
  • Strong ability to gain agreement and commitment from others;
  • Experience of stakeholder engagement; developing partnerships and managing relationships with donors, private sector, civil society actors, consultancies and government bodies;
  • Experience in working with Investors interested in financial sector and Agriculture finance is targeted for this position;
  • Experience in working with Government of Rwanda and participation government events is an added value;
  • Experience in working with international NGOs and writing fundable proposal;
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to set a strategic vision and deliver results within a team;
  • Experience in participation of international conference/summit;
  • Demonstrated role played in training and empowerment of youth and women is an added value;
  • Demonstrated experience of partnership with Government of Rwanda for advocacy perspectives;
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and experience in coaching staff;
  • Experience in working closely with both central and local government is strongly underlined;
  • Demonstration experience in finance and administration, accounting, Operations management, and audit is valuable in pre-selection;
  • High moral integrity according to the Code of Conduct of the association
  • English and Kinyarwanda proficiency strongly preferred, Proficiency in French is a valuable advantage.

How to apply:

Interested and qualified candidates are required to submit their applications (motivation letter, updated CV, copies of degrees/certificates and 3 references) online at [email protected]  not later than December 13th 2017 at 10am and ready for immediate invitation for interview. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

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