Events News

KATAZA PROGRAM: Soft Launch In 15 Districts of Rwanda

With the lead by Rwanda Development Bank, AMIR along with other consortium members have launched the KATAZA Program to district level.

From 03rd to 09th September, AMIR, RWAMREC, MVEND, AMI, BRD and MASTERCARD FOUNDATION have launched the program in districts of Gakenke, Musanze, Burera, Nyabihu, Rubavu, Nyanza, Nyaruguru,Huye and from 10th September 2024, the program was launched in districts of Nyagatare, Kirehe,Ngoma, Gatsibo,Nyamasheke, Rusizi and Nyamagabe.

During the soft launch, the program Manager at BRD, Mr. WILLIAM Furaha explained that this program is coming in the time of need where youth will benefit from it to resolve existing problems that have blocked their courage of working. Some of the problem that youth are facing are collateral issues while requesting loans, youth tailored loans, access to finance, absence of tourism, agriculture and hospitality loans that are based on value- chains etc.

Mr. William Furaha presenting Kataza Program at Ngoma District

KATAZA program for financing the MSME in three-years is in a pilot phase and during this  phase, the program will aim at engaging 90,000 MSMEs and 30,000 Village Savings and Lending Association (VSLA) groups selected from 540,000 VSLA members and transition over 18,500 youth owned MSMEs (especially young women-owned MSMEs) to utilize custom-made financial products and grow to unlock dignified and fulfilling work opportunities for 40,500 financially disadvantaged youth  especially young women considering disability inclusive by 2027.

District official have commended this program that will enhance the access to finance amongst youth especially to young women, refugees and people with disability through easy loans that will help to create fulfilling and dignifying work.

KATAZA Program initiative will be implemented by AMIR and other consortium members in partnership with The Foundation to facilitate the access to finance for youth and young women operating in #Agriculture, #Tourism and #Hospitality value-chains around Rwanda.

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