
The international responsible finance agenda regains momentum after ICRIF2018 – NDAHAYO

By Felibien H.T.

The Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) hosted the International Conference on Responsible and Inclusive Finance (ICRIF) from 21 to 22 March 2018 at Kigali Marriott Hotel.  This Conference was organized by AMIR in close collaboration with the Association’s development partners namely the SEEP network, Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR), SBFIC, Smart Campaign, Care International Rwanda, ICCO Terrafina and OikoCredit.

The Conference was attended massively by more than 250 participants from 24 countries. Apart from financial service providers, ICRIF also brought together industry investors, regulators and researchers.

We are happy to organize the international conference on responsible and inclusive finance, for the first time” Jules Theoneste NDAHAYO, the chairman of the Board of AMIR.  In his opening remarks Mr. NDAHAYO highlighted that the objective of ICRIF was to further the implementation of the international responsible inclusive finance agenda by providing learning opportunities for a range of actors about experiences within and outside of Rwanda.

He added that there is a hope that, after ICRIF2018, The International Responsible Finance Agenda will regain momentum, by highlighting the importance of linking financial inclusion and consumer protection.

Peace Uwase Masozera, the Director General for Financial Stability in the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR), supported the Chairman’s statement adding that it is very important for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), to adopt practices that will drive responsible and inclusive finance, especially in rural areas.

According to Aimable Nkuranga, the Executive Director of AMIR, ICRIF was successful. The conference turned out well with a variety of sessions with innovative learning formats – plenaries, peer learning sessions, and trainings.  – ICRIF2018 provided learning opportunities to participants who expressed their gratitude for meeting their expectations.

Aimable Nkuranga, Executive Director/ AMIR

One of the ICRIF participants, Diala El Zein from Senegal, said that she was impressed by the various panel discussions which exposed them to different opportunities and products as well as linkages for cross border financial business.

This Conference was part of the implementation of the Responsible Finance through Local Leadership and Learning (RFL3) program that AMIR is implementing since 2016 with funding support from the SEEP Network.


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