Events News

Validation of Customized Financial Products and Capacity Needs Assessment marks a major milestone for the Kataza Program

At Classic Hotel, a significant step was taken toward empowering youth-owned Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) in Rwanda’s agriculture, tourism, and hospitality sectors.

Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda (AMIR) hosted a successful validation workshop for three customized financial products: Tinyuka Wigire Munyarwandakazi, Ingamba, and Tekana.

The validation was attended by representatives from 28 financial institutions under the Kataza Program, representative from Mastercard Foundation which is the supporter of this program and consortium members led by Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) PLC, I&M Bank (Rwanda) Plc, Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC), African Management Institute and MVend Limited.

The primary objective of these financial products is to support MSMEs by providing tailored solutions to their unique financial needs.

The validation of these products marks a crucial milestone in the program, which is designed to boost the capacity of youth entrepreneurs especially young women through financing, capacity building, and digital inclusion.

Additionally, the workshop included the validation of capacity needs assessment reports for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs).

These assessments aim to strengthen the ability of these institutions to effectively serve MSMEs in the agriculture, tourism, and hospitality sectors, further driving the success of the Kataza Program.

With these products and assessments now validated, the next steps involve putting them in place to foster growth and innovation across key sectors in Rwanda.

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